Our virtual library where fun meets expertise
Video Library
Love a good movie? So do we. Find all of our Little Kamper videos on one easy-to-use page. No library card needed.

Articles and Recipes
Tips? We got ‘em. Tricks? Only the good kind. Recipes? Yes we do! Whether you’re new to outdoor living or just need a refresher, find everything you need for a great wilderness adventure here.
ExplorePlan a Trip with Little Kamper
Down here on Earth and in the skies above, natural wonders happen all the time. The best way to view them is to get outdoors. Find a calendar of all this year’s events and plan your trips accordingly!
See EventsAbout Little Kamper
Did you know that millions of 1 lb. single-use propane cylinders enter our landfills every year? Camping, barbequing—these activities come in all forms, but when it came to 1. lb propane, there were no sustainable options.
Until now.
Our mission is to provide a better, safer way to enjoy the outdoors and reduce the absurd and hazardous waste entering our landfills by offering a safe, sustainable, and reusable 1 lb. propane cylinder.
There are 40 million reasons why to do the right thing. It all starts with making the right choice.