We’re proud to partner with Leave No
Trace and join their mission to teach
minimum impact practices and protect
the outdoors.
For the love of the outdoors

Leave No Trace is on a mission to ensure a sustainable future for the outdoors and the planet.

Little Kamper propane is intended to be a zero-waste fuel solution that aligns with Leave No Trace practices.

Proud Partners
Little Kamper is proud to be part of the Leave No Trace community of partners and sponsors.
Their mission is much like ours: helping people make sustainable choices and protect our environment.
This means that when you join our community, you’re joining a much wider movement of companies, advocates, and everyday people like you who want to want to do more to leave the outdoors better than we found it.
The Leave No Trace 7 Principles
Leave No Trace believes in 7 guiding principles to help people better enjoy and protect our wonderful planet—from the wild wilderness to right in your own backyard.
- Plan Ahead & Prepare
- Travel & Camp on Durable Surfaces
- Dispose of Waste Properly
- Leave What You Find
- Minimize Campfire Impact
- Respect Wildlife
- Be Considerate of Others

We truly believe in the power of people to help
care for our planet.