Take the Little
Kamper Pledge
Pledge with us to Leave No Trace. Go outside with the sincere intention to respect and protect the outdoors we share. Join the community that’s working to reduce dark green single-use fuel cylinder waste.
It’s the right thing to do.
Take the PledgeOne Little Kamper = 30 Single-Use Cylinders
Each Little Kamper cylinder is on a journey to keep hazardous, dark green single-use cylinders out of landfill. Just one Little Kamper can replace more than 30 of these single-use cylinders over a ten-year period.
Take the Little Kamper pledge and become a crucial part of our cylinders’ journey.
I Pledge…
I pledge to be responsible and respect the beauty of our Great Outdoors. My choices have the power to help make a difference, and I promise to make the right decision that conserve our resources and protect our environment.
Pledge and Win!
Little Kamper pledgers are entered to win monthly
drawings for free gear and swag!
I would like to receive updates and new info about Little Kamper and its mission.